Why MAS keep failing all the time?

When the stupid-doer is appointed to sit on the upper management; we get to see MAS keep failing all the time. Don’t we?

MAS is a national airlines that keep employing the dumbest upper management – the stupid management that create stupid rules and regulations.

Who would make such stupid rules and regulations? Only the stupid idiot will create a stupid dead-end rules and regulations. It’s always about UN-interesting projects or stupid projects with non-flexible working hours and pay less overtime hours. No transparency to some extent in those UN-interesting projects and backstabbing teamwork or shall we say “Stealing Credit Cultures or Credit Theft is widely praised”?

This type of management is called highly unqualified staff, lower maturity in terms of people management; critical visions with struggling products and poor managing skills.

Agreed? Yeah; we couldn’t be more agreeable than disagreeable. However; the question is that why it has to be only those stupid fools get appointed to sit on the upper management?

Where is the intelligent management? Intelligent is as intelligent does but at MAS upper management level – it’s assholers who get the chance screwing up as always!

Leading people effectively requires not just a good head on one’s shoulders but a good heart and a considerate tongue.

Particularly the CEO has to be extremely bright; open and honest with employees than the typical apple polisher who “spins” everything and falsifying all numbers to garner the support and extension for his employment contract from the shareholders and stakeholders.

A company with a lot of smart people will not do stupid rules because reasonable people cultivate good community for growth with lots of career opportunities that compensates with good package and benefits and a hospitable work-life balance.

The relation between employer and employee is build on trust is no longer found in MAS under the leadership of Ahmad Jauhari. Today; its CEO successfully created culture that is unhealthy with the fixed-up strategy on employees to garner support. Whitewashing all workplace misconducts or sweeping it under the carpet as it has always been is not the best way to grow within the company.

Devoid of politics and together striving for the best is not an option for MAS staff entirely. Almost everyone in every divisions are scheming for promotion via CREDIT THEFT. Such negative environment only ends with DEAD-WOOD expanding inside via the unhealthy growing culture.

The logical statement – happy staff will continue to work harder to make the company an even greater success. Where do we think for an unhappy staff will land in such an unhealthy culture?

The management team has zero visions towards the future of MAS and ultimately the staff are not valued and appreciated. Zero compensation being rewarded to those who entitled to it. In fact, those hard working staff are deprived of their dues and salaries increment. They were in fact cheated of their dues under the pretext of restructuring programs and streamlining processes.

Except for the upper management whose salaries grew fatter than previously but its managing strategy keep failing due to politics becoming an option to survive in that “UPPER” position. Henceforward; MAS became the heaviest top management that is likely to collapse at any time with unsustainable structure.

A professional management cannot sustain with a bottomless structure. Is that so clear the visionary by Ahmad Jauhari is driving a bottomless structure with unsustainable future?

The consulting area proves a con-job with growing pains being overstretched within the middle management by the lackadaisical attitude and over-optimistic project estimation.

The ownership of responsibility lies in an invisible party – for example; when a credit is discovered; everyone seized to be the one who did it but when a problem is exposed; everyone pointed their finger around the table living in denial they were in the wrong but calling the other irrelevant party to suck up the failure as their responsibility towards MAS.

This is all done in the faith of KPI – Key Performance Indicators.

Effective airline planning relies on its CEO ability to balance the industrious harmony with employee satisfaction; customer satisfaction and the complex constraints in every aspect of business. Increase employee and customer satisfaction by disengaging the internal politics is the way out for a trouble airline.

Whilst the internal problem in MAS is not being tackled at professional level; MAS CEO is playing fire with fire influencing the Minister of Human Resource to push for the national union for cabin crew with ulterior motive for his team to enable a restructuring of the current terms and conditions to the bottom or parallel of a low-cost airline.

This plan by Ahmad Jauhari is highly recommended by his selected consultants. Employing a cheaper labour to replace the well-renowned MAS cabin crew’s hospitality is to divert all MAS loyal passengers to AirAsia; thus gradually diminishing MAS as the preferred airlines.

MAS staff and middle management must understand the underlying strategy is to outsource all of MAS staff including the middle managerial staff in phases.

Dolefully; a new company has been formed by Ahmad Jauhari to lease its new staff for MAS in due time once the national union took its precedence to represent its members.

Be warned people and be observant to your own cause. Nowadays; money can buy a talking union for the sake of vendor-ship and dark future.

Stay tuned to our next episode!

4 thoughts on “Why MAS keep failing all the time?

  1. Precisely right! Please go deeper into Customer Services Division. Deadwood managers are plenty while zero staff recognition except for polishers. Customers are allowed to be in a very long queue – till now without solution. MAS managers are managing loses – not managing business!

  2. Saya adalah kakitangan bergred mas
    saya terkilan dengan apa yang berlaku pada mas.ketika kita sedang rugi,segelintir pihak dengan senang hati menggunakan wang syarikat untuk benda yang tidak menguntungkan.apabila kita rugi,apa.perlu kita buat?stop spending kan?tapi di mas,pihak sekuriti pasang auto gate.buat pos baru.kos nak buat id utk setiap zorang pekerja pula dah berapa kosnya.satu pos sampai lima orang jaga.3 staff dan 2 contract.cleaner buakn main ramai.sampai buang sampah pun 2 orang.cuba siasat,jamuan hari raya hr guna duit siapa?siap dengan deco lagi..bila duit dah habis banyak.mula la nak tunding jari pada pekerja bawahan.mula la.nak buang situ,buang sana.apa dosa kami?
    Sedar tak sedar,masih ada lagi bekas air asia di dalam mas.mereka ini sepatutnya tidak berada di jawatan pengurusan kerana mereka ini kelihatan seperti ada agenda tersendiri.sebagai contoh di bahagian engineering.siapa ceo?
    Untuk pengetahuan anda,ketika roslan ismail meneraju engineering,kita ada banyak bisnes dengan third party airlines.sehinggakan tenaga kerja menjadi tidak.mencukupi.tetapi selepas diambil alih oleh azhari dahlan,jumlah third party ini makin berkurangan.third party inilah yang memberi pulangan lumayan kepada syarikat.di antara third party ketika itu adalah saudi,sriwijaya,thai air ,nok air.alasan yang kami dengar sebelum ini adalah kerana mahu fokus pada projek eol.kenapa denga eol?adakah kita tidak mampu untuk menguruskan projek lain di samping projek eol?tiba tiba mas dpt projek dengan kapal air asia .dan dengar kata air asia bayar murah utk servis tersebut.kenapa third party lain mereka reject dan kenapa air asia mereka terima?

    Kebanyakan vendor yang memberi khidmat utk.mas buat kerja separuh jalan.buat pintu baru tak cat bekas mereka simen.potong rumput pastu biar rumput bersepah.tapi yang pelik kontrk still jugak org yang sama dapat.selagi x ubah benda ni.saya tak tahu la.

    kami sebagai kakitangan amat tidak berpuas hati dengan cara pengurusan syarikat.kami juga bayar cukai.jadi kami ada hak.cuti kami dipotong dua hari.tiada siapa peduli.

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